Take Charge of Your Health, and Create the Reality You Want

Health is a topic that I have been very passionate about for the majority of my life. Whether it is physical health, mental health or spiritual health. I have been affected by the health system in a number of ways in my life, and while many of those ways proved to be beneficial at the time, none of them proved effective in treating the root of the issue, only mitigating the symptoms, until the next episode. I believe we are in the middle of a massive shift, uncovering truths we have forgotten, and awakening to a deeper and more aligned reality. I believe we are waking up to the power we have inside of ourselves, and realizing that we don’t need external sources as much as we think we do, to achieve the things we want in life. Life is what you make it, and for me this is a time of empowerment, strength, and courage, because that is how I choose to look at the picture, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t come without it’s challenges.
I feel both enraged and saddened by the state of our medical, educational and political system, and the beliefs that are commonly held around what the best course of action is, to achieve health and how important health really is. We are often sold the band aid approach, which tends to have severe, sometimes deadly side effects on people who enroll in these beliefs and ideologies. I believe we need a radical shift, in these systems, in order to achieve the complete and lasting health that I know each human is entitled to, and capable of achieving. My dream is to exist in a world that is free of pharmaceuticals, regular visits to the doctors, and at the bottom line, free from fear and confusion about what the best course of action is, for a person to achieve health and safety.
In many cases we actually do know what to do to achieve optimum health, but our system isn’t set up to support this or make it readily available. When I was born, within my first year of life I was diagnosed with asthma. Even as a baby I was given medications as a way of “treating” this issue. My parents were informed not to expose me to smoke, allergens, or other particles that might increase the likelihood of me having an attack. I was given steroids and other medications on a regular basis to “heal”. I was taken to the hospital countless times to be treated for the symptoms, but from the best of my knowledge, no one could explain the root of the issue to my parents, or even as I got older, to myself.
In my lifetime, I have become quite fascinated with dis-ease, and have studied relentlessly, alternative methods to conventional pharmaceutical healing. Methods that are in alignment with my beliefs, and that get to the core of the issue, instead of treating the symptoms alone. Our beliefs are half of the equation, if not more, and what some people forget (myself included), is that they have the power and the ability to choose the outcome they want, regardless of the outcome they have been told.
I have spoken with ex cancer patients who received a sentence of 6 months to live, who completely changed their outcome, by taking action to change their perspective and their diet. They did not accept their diagnosis, and instead decided to create the life they knew was possible for themselves. I’ve also known of people who upon receiving that 6 month sentence, died exactly 6 months later, believing the fate they were given. In this model we are told that Cancer is the root, and the dis-ease. However, I believe it is the symptom, and in order to truly heal, and be healthy, we need to dig deeper, as well as have hope, faith, community support, and love. We need to look at the picture as a whole, as get to the root of the issue.
If you want to experience deep and lasting health, is it also imperative to remove the reminders of fear and the disease that you’re trying to escape, from your awareness. Not out of ignorance, but consciously, because any evidence that contradicts the belief that you want, only adds to the belief that you do not have it, thus, making it harder to attain. “You cannot simultaneously prevent and prepare for war,”- Albert Einstein. You must align your beliefs and your actions with the results you want, in order to allow yourself permission to receive them. This requires a focus of the will, and an increased awareness, which, in my opinion, is well worth it to achieve lasting health. Dr. Joe Dispenza healed his broken back through focused visualization in meditation. Anything is possible, but belief is the key. You are capable of stepping into a place of empowerment, removing the disbelief, and creating deep and lasting health that will encourage generations to come.
What do you surround yourself with on a daily basis that reinforces the belief that you are unwell, or at risk of becoming unwell? What stories do you tell yourself about why this cannot be changed? What do you tell yourself about who you are in conjunction with your pain or disease? Is this true or partially true? What do you want to be true? In what ways do you draw your attention to your pain and unrest, reinforcing the belief that it exists? What we focus on grows, and the choice is up to you to decide the reality you want, and to focus your attention on that reality. I’m not saying it’s easy, but only once you’ve firmly decided what it is you want, can you begin to move in that direction, and create that as a part of your reality. While this often requires more effort than taking a drug or accepting your fate, it is often worth it in the long run.
When I was in Jr. High I started to exercise on a regular basis. At this point I was taking puffers from time to time as I still encountered certain scenarios that would trigger asthma like symptoms. However, I started an evening routine of a simple walk through a local subdivision. Over time I started to push myself, and decided to jog intermittently throughout my walk. Increasing my jog time, until eventually, the entire exercise was spent jogging. No doctor had ever told me that exercising could diminish my asthma symptoms, that was something I figured out on my own.
As I was completing my evening ritual I remember a specific night that I was feeling particularly emotional about something. I continued to jog and monitored my thoughts, until I reached a state of anxiety that asthma attack symptoms, started to manifest. It was in this moment that I realized how my emotional experiences also affected this disease, and that by calming the anger, fear, and stress that I was experiencing, my asthma symptoms would go away as well. No doctor ever told me that their was a relationship between the emotions I was experiencing, and the symptoms of asthma, or how meditation and awareness could help me regulate this.
A few years later after I had moved out on my own, I started to modify my diet. Again, after doing some research, and finding some alternative information, I came across a resource that suggested that inflammatory foods, particularly dairy, were linked to the creation of excess mucus in the body, and especially in the lungs. Additionally so, I discovered that there is a direct correlation between gut health and the health of the lungs, and that by eating a balanced diet that is also rich in probiotics not only decreases mucus, but also depression and anxiety. No doctor ever told me that I would be able to manage my asthmatic symptoms by changing my diet. In fact I was given antibiotics regularly as a child which only deteriorated the health of my gut and body as a whole.
I’m not denying the fact that I probably wouldn’t be here today if it weren’t for the doctors and medications that I was given growing up. I am grateful for the knowledge that was provided at that time and that I was given the treatment that I required to save my life. I don’t deny that in life threatening and emergency situations modern medicine can be quite effective. However it is not because of modern medicine that I am completely free of asthma today.
No one human has all the answers, and as it is, I am well aware that my truth may not resonate with everyone. In fact I don’t want you to blindly trust my words, or anyone else’s for that matter. What I would love, is for you to turn your attention inward and begin to trust the voice that should have been guiding you all along. In my opinion. No one knows what is best for you, except you. However, if you find yourself now, (or have in the past), experiencing this sadness or frustration that I am experiencing, because of any number of systems you are in, I encourage you to open your mind to a different reality. I encourage you to envision the life you want, and ask yourself, “what baby step could I take today, that would get me closer to that reality?” How can I speak my truth? In what ways can I firmly decide the reality I want, and believe in my ability to create it? You are the master of your fate, and the creator of your reality. I am just here to help you remember.