Breaking Cycles
— A 6 week group coaching program to help you get off the hamster wheel, and take back control of your health! —

Are you a woman who has seen success by receiving a honourable education, creating a steady job, and have a loving family? You are seen as having your life together in many ways, and you feel accomplished in most areas of your life — except when it comes to your own health.
You’ve got a warm heart and desire to be even more open and loving, especially with yourself.
You want to honour your body and mind but often find yourself stuck on the hamster wheel, repeating the same cycles over and over again, making some progress towards your health goals, or reducing stress, but nothing that seems to stick.
You want to be seen as strong, confident, competent, and able to stand on your own two feet, and in many ways you are, but feel more like Sisyphus, constantly pushing the same rock, up the same hill, only to end up exactly where you started, or worse.
At one point in time you have felt like a failure when it comes to your health, and have even questioned your abilities to really succeed, when it comes to having the body that you truly desire, whether for looks, or function.
However, I’m here to tell you that there’s nothing wrong with you, and that it’s not your fault that you haven’t seen the success you’ve wanted.
As women we are taught to do it all, and to do it all by ourselves. However, there is an easier way, that will help you achieve your goals, and have fun while doing it.
Making major life changes, taking time for ourselves, and making it a priority to have a healthy body and mind, is much more easily achieved when we are part of a community that is working towards that same goal. Especially when society, our friends and family, are continually and unconsciously trying to keep us stuck, exactly where we are.
It is time, to reclaim your power, by taking back control of your lifestyle and daily habits.
Take back your life, your time and your energy. Stop putting yourself on the back burner, and take charge of creating the body and confidence you deserve.
“No one else is going to put us first, until we decide that we are worthy and deserving, of being put first. We must make these changes for ourselves, and then others will respond in kind. We do not need to do it alone.”
— Julia Warner, Alignment Coach
Join my 6 Week Group Coaching Program
A Network of women rooting for you, and supporting your health dreams for yourself
12 hours of weekly group coaching calls and support , to keep you on track with your goals— valued at $600
Plus 1 on 1 Coaching tailored towards your unique experience — valued at $200
Homework and accountability projects to keep you on track, including guided meditations and video support. — valued at $200
Ongoing email support and troubleshooting, throughout the 6 weeks. — $100
Ongoing community support and friendships for a lifetime — Priceless
This program is valued at $1100, but I’m offering it for a limited time only for only $500!
There are only 8 spots available.
Are you a powerful woman looking to reconnect with your inner strength, and take back control of your health and wellness?
Email for details.

Stop letting others define who you are and what you’re capable of- take back your power, your energy and the vision you have for your body and life.
Being a woman can be challenging sometimes. Not only do we want to have it all, we want to do it all, and it is often expected of us, whether we’ve asked for it or not.
We want to be the masters of our own domain, be respected in our jobs, and pay our own way in life. We want to feel like we have control over our household and have firm boundaries around our energy, but often end up doing more for others than we do for ourselves.
While you have a desire to be seen as a strong woman in control of your own life, the reality of the fact is that your energy often ends up going to everyone but yourself. So much so, that by the end of the day you’re feeling so stressed, overwhelmed and off track from where you want to be health wise, that you just want to give up on your own goals entirely.
You have no problem helping out a friend who’s in need, taking on an extra task at work, or even taking on the household single handedly, but when it comes to really taking care of yourself, eating healthfully, exercising or reducing your own stress, you somehow seem to be consistently forgotten about, or too tired to really put in the energy for yourself.
Maybe you’ve had a desire to eat healthier, but notice yourself caving when you’re out with your friends. You have a desire to be firm with yourself and on track with your eating habits, but often reach for something quick and easy at the end of the day, hindering your ability to build lasting habits of eating healthy meals regularly.
Maybe you have set the intention to add more movement and exercise into your routine, but by the time you get home from work you’re just so wiped, that the idea of putting in more energy seems completely out of the question.
Or maybe you know that you really just need to de-stress, and find a way to relax, but find the practice of meditation often slips your mind, because of all the other things on your to do list.
At the end of the day you end up being hard on yourself, and feeling like a failure because not only have you not been able to make progress towards your self-goals, but in some cases have even reversed your progress, because of the overall stress and emotional overwhelm you have been feeling.
At one point in time you’ve even found yourself asking, “how am I possibly suppose to tend to my family, my household and my job, and still have time for myself and my own health goals?”
Well, I’m here to tell you, the solution is easier than you think.
Women especially thrive when we are part of a group. When we feel understood, and accepted by others who have the same problems. Instead of feeling a lack of focus and motivation when it comes to your own health. We will work together to help you determine a clear direction of what actions to take, so that you can get back on track.
In the past you may have felt a lack of belief in yourself, but working with a team of powerful women, you will feel much more confident and capable of breaking free of the cycles that have kept you stuck for so long.
Rather than feeling a lack of energy or overwhelmed by the things on your to do list, you’ll be jumping out of bed, with a new excitement to take on the day.
Maybe you’ve felt lost when it comes to your health, and like you’re standing at the bottom of a 3000 ft mountain, but I know the climb will be a lot easier when you’ve got a group of women cheering you on, keeping you accountable and celebrating your successes along the way.
You no longer have to be overwhelmed by this “impossible” goal, because we will tackle it together, one step at a time, setting you up for the success you never had when you tried to do it by yourself. You may feel like you’ve run out of options, but you’ve never tried a program like this.
I’ve been very interested in health for most of my life. What has now become a strong desire to be physically healthy, and an inspiration for others, actually started out as a lot of pain and suffering.

When I was in high school, I thought the most important things were to get good grades so I could get into a good school, make my parents happy, and be attractive so I could find a partner that would be interested in building a family with me.
On the outside I was doing everything I was suppose to be doing, to get my life “in order,” but on the inside I didn’t really know what I was doing it all for, or where it was really leading me. Most of the time I felt self conscious, and even though I was never over weight, I had developed an eating disorder to try and regain some control in my life.
I wanted to be smart, pretty, and successful, but I felt overwhelmed with the pressures that were put on me, largely by school and society, to be the best me I could possibly be. I was starting to crumble under the pressure, and I didn’t really know where to turn for help.
I found myself caught in this cycle of constantly worrying about what other people thought, and constantly trying to make other people happy. I was continually giving my energy away to my boss, my parents, my friends, but regularly failed to check in and ask myself, “what does Julia actually want?”
Usually by the time it actually got to that point, what I actually wanted was to run away and hide from everyone, and trust me I did. But the pattern always caught up with me. It followed me wherever I went, and no matter how hard I tried, I still ended up, overworked, lacking energy, and stuffing my face with whatever I could find to bring my nerves back to a place of normal functioning.
I don’t even want to tell you how much coffee I would drink in a day, how much sugar I would shamefully binge on just to make my day more fun and exciting, and how many times I would come home after a super stressful day, and immediately want to numb myself from all of it, with a big fat joint.
I felt like I was running on a hamster wheel and didn’t know how to get off. I didn’t like my job, but I needed to pay my bills and save money. I didn’t like my eating habits, but I wanted something exciting to keep me going throughout the day. I didn’t like how often I smoked weed, but I needed some way to reward myself after another boring or stressful day at work.
I wanted more meaning in my life, and doing the same thing day in and day out was draining me. I wanted purpose, passion and excitement, so I often sought this unknowingly through food or other stimulus. Sometimes it was substances, sometimes it was t.v, sometimes it was hanging out with friends. But often I would come home at the end of the night, and I still felt empty and searching for something more.
I tired so many things to shift these habits in myself, because I wanted to treat my body as a temple, and I wanted to really know what it felt like to be aligned and energized. I had had times in the past of really sticking to my goals, eating healthy and exercising, and I knew that that lifestyle was significantly more aligned with how I wanted to be living.
I felt less stressed when I took care of my body; when I wasn’t eating processed foods, smoking weed or drinking coffee. I felt calmer overall when I was meditating too, and felt more confident in my abilities to achieve my own goals. But try as I might, I just couldn’t get this habit to stick. I just couldn’t keep the momentum going, and ended up exactly where I started off, but usually in some other part of the world, after I tried to run and hide from myself, to no avail.
In many ways it made me sick to see the cycle I was in, because I knew I wasn’t the only one. There were times when I felt like I was the failure, because I couldn’t overcome the patterns, but at the same time I knew that these patterns didn’t come from me. In fact most of the foods I was “addicted to” were manufactured to be addictive.
No one had ever taught me how to deal with my stress either. Sure I learned how to meditate, but there was no class in high school called, “how to deal with your stress when you’re so over worked, and overwhelmed that you just want to cry when you look at your do to list.” Now that class, I would take!
I felt lost, but it helped to know that it wasn’t my fault. I was programmed to believe that this is just how humans live. That it’s normal to be sick and stressed, and eating foods that were making me sick and stressed.
But then I had a realization, that it didn’t have to be this way.
Sure I had learned one way of living, by society and my parents, but as I started to study and discover a different reality, I was starting to see that my life didn’t have to be an endless wheel of suffering anymore.
I had gone to a number of different retreats during my time of trying to run from myself, and while the hamster wheel was often still available, what I realized was that I didn’t need to give into a system that was so determined to make money exploiting humans. Exploiting me.
I realized that the stress and overwhelm I felt so often, came from a place of wanting to make everyone else happy. Trying to uphold an image of who I was, or who I wanted to be, to make others like me. But at the end of the day, those people didn’t even really know me, and I was putting my body under a lot of stress as a result. I often worked overtime, and ran on fumes, because I liked the jolt that I got from the experience, but it was never long before the burnout came.
I decided I didn’t want to support a system that makes people sick anymore. This same system that was making me sick. I constantly had stomach issues because of the way I was eating. My anxiety was through the roof. I felt depressed and disconnected. I constantly felt like I wasn’t good enough and would push myself harder to be recognized, and it was all making me very stressed. This stress, as it turns out, is recognized at the #1 killer in North America today.
It took some awareness on my own part, but I realized it just wasn’t worth it.
My suffering wasn’t worth it.
So what did I do to finally get off the hamster wheel, and break free of the cycles that had kept me feeling trapped for so long? Well I’ll tell you that it didn’t exactly happen over night. It took some time to build the practice of asking myself what I actually wanted. Taking a stand against the pressures of society, and to learn to love myself as I am, regardless of how it makes other people feel, after all, other people’s emotions are not my responsibility.
I say the following from my own perspective, but I encourage you to read them as if they are about you, because anything I can do, you can do. And if it is showing up in your reality, and you felt compelled to read this far, then it’s pretty safe to say there is some value in it for you too.
1. I made a declaration to myself, to do better every day. I decided that my health is of the utmost importance, because I recognize how much I hurt other people and myself when I am feeling stressed. I am short tempered when I’m feeling overwhelmed, and I don’t like causing others unnecessary pain. My life is about more than just me, but rather than choosing my actions based on what others what for me, and ultimately themselves, I decided to choose my actions based on what I want, knowing that it is for my highest good and the highest good of all.
2. I made a commitment to myself. A written commitment and intention is a good way to keep on track. The mind is tricky, and will create a thousand and one excuses as to why I don’t want to stick to my goals. Stating to myself what my goals are, and getting really clear on why I want them, and how it is going to benefit myself and the world, helps me stay more focused and on track.
3. I did my research. First this started out by learning about what foods would be healthier to eat. I stocked up on everything good, to limit the temptations that were around me. I filled my brain with as much as I could about nutrients, and which food were the best for my gut health and to curb cravings. I also did my research on why I didn’t want to eat processed foods anymore. I really allowed myself to see what it does to the body, from the teeth, to the stomach, the heart and intestines. The nerves and brain. I looked at how it was all connected, but more than that I asked myself who was really benefiting. I felt like I was wasting hundreds of dollars every month chasing some kind of food high that never really satisfied me. But where was that money really going? Who benefitted? Because it certainly wasn’t me.
4. Created a container. I recognized that it was unrealistic for me to say I’m never going to drink coffee or smoke weed, or eat sugar ever again. In fact, sometimes just saying that to myself made me feel anxious and would bring up a belief that“that’s impossible!” So what I did do, was create a container, a specific set of conditions, that I allowed myself to enjoy these treats. I would determine the frequency, and place in which it felt acceptable to enjoy these things, and for the rest of the time I would let them go.
5. Held myself accountable. Having someone to talk to about what I was experiencing was pretty crucial to me staying on track. Sometimes I would slip up, and feel guilty about it, but what I later realized, was having someone I could “confess” my guilt to, allowed me to let it go and just keep moving forward. Additionally, having frequent reminders of why I want this goal for myself. Whether it’s a picture, of what I want my body to look like, my family, or a loved one who has passed away. These pieces of motivation help me to remember, when I am feeling weak, that there is a bigger reason that I want this. My health and happiness is of the utmost importance, and I’m paving the way for a new world in the process. The system will change if I support something different.
6. Set a system to get back on track. One trick that I learned for habit formation was to break the day into different sections. Say for example I had a coffee in the morning on an unscheduled day. In the past I would fall into a mode of thinking “well I might as well just give up, I’ve already ruined my plan for the day.” But say I broke my day into sections, and that by the afternoon the slate is wiped clean. Almost like a new day. So maybe I slipped up in the morning, but by the afternoon it is critical that I get back on track.
7. Found a community that supported my growth. I can’t tell you how many times I told myself I was going to stop eating sugar. Wouldn’t tell anyone I had made this decision, and then 2 days later would be at a friends house, spending more time with her candy jar than my friend. It was embarrassing, shameful, and I often felt like a fraud and a failure. What I realized was that I needed support. I needed to open up to others about my goals. I needed friends or a community that was going to help keep me on track and remind me of what I wanted, when I was temped otherwise. Even better was if I had friends that were reaching for the same goals, but sometimes this was a hindrance as well. Because if they fell off, I was soon to follow. I needed to stick to my own truth. I wasn’t doing it because they were, I was doing it because I wanted freedom from the cycle I was stuck in. I wanted peace within my body and mind. I wanted to love myself.
For women especially, there is a lot of pressure on us to be perfect, however, I gave up supporting that narrative long ago. I realized that this idea has been put in place in society, but that doesn’t mean I have to adhere to it. I just want to be me, and if I continue to let others tell me what I need to do, what job I need to have, how my house needs to look, how my body needs to look, I am never going to be happy. I’m taking responsibility for my body and my emotions. This is how I’m breaking my cycle of suffering, and jumping off my hamster wheel, and I say with complete confidence, that you can do it too.